The market rebound for the sixth day and we are right at resistance. Infact alot of stocks are near resistance. This was the sign i'm looking for to open new short position and thus i chosen Cosco for a start. Actually I am going for a 12-day holiday from Friday onwards and it is to my best interest not to take any more position. However, i hate to miss opportunities as today, the market is at this wonderful pivotal point and the risk reward is good. October was a bad month for global market, however i made substantial profits from the strategic short positions in prop sector. That's why i am risking this profit on Cosco. Even when i'm wrong, the stop loss on Cosco will only cost me a small part of the profits.
I'm still contemplating on whether to lug my laptop along..... it's a holiday afterall.... if i trade, then mana holiday? hahaha At the same time, it looks likely the turning point of the market is near, either long or short.... i may lose the opportunity to long at the next higher lows..... Dilema...
Cosco: Candlestick weakness couple with MA resistance
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