Even a brief rebound by Dow couldn't prevent our market going down. HSI ended spectacularly lower. Our bourse also faced a late sell off as many stocks finished near their lows. This time round i'm blissfully on short as i stared at how weak the market was. Capland simply went "holland" and closed below the $6 mark. I decided to cut my manhattan resource as i see weakness from the weekly chart. I certainly doesn't want a eat pig pay dog situation here. How unfair can it be? Straits asia goes green and my manhattan goes down... both are coal related...
Capitaland: Price over-extends itself and we are now trading outside the uptrend channel. MFI reading shows that money has been flowing out of capland since Apr. Something for shortist to watchout for, there is a slight bullish divergence on Capland.
SIA has finally broken out of it's trading range. The high oil price is without a doubt bad news for it.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.