We had it easy during the last few months where stocks just flew up the charts. Now is the time where the informed market participants will be able to separate themselves from the misinformed. The question on everyone's mind (including mine), isit time to buy now? I must admit, it is very easy to be tempted by the "cheaper" prices we are seeing now. If i buy because I think the prices are cheap then I am not following my trading rules. Deep inside me, I know what is the consequences of not following my own trading rules and system. Also, I never forget what the great Livermore said in his book, "There are times to buy or sell, there are also times where we need to stand aside".
Since I have pocketed profits build up from March'07 shopping spree, I need to rebuild my portfolio again. I just love this game! The market is behaving very oddly and certainly risk is in the air. However, not all stocks will go down. Hence my job is to still find a trending stock in the right industry and ride on it. Slowly but surely i will be purchasing cautiously without over exposing myself to high risk. For many of my students, this is a great chance for you to witness how i shall walk the talk. I won't win all the time, but it is important for you to observe how I win more when i'm right and lose small when i am wrong. Infact, I shared the statistics of my MacD Trading System to the participants of the recent workshop, it only has an accuracy of 30% at most but guess what? The returns is as high as 100% ROI (profit reinvested).

I charted Dow Jones and found possible support levels 13,600 and 13,200.
GrowMoney Growth Fund
Poh Tiong Choon
LC Dev
*Added Tiongwoon today
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.