I came back from the weekend with very very enriching stuffs inside my head! It has never struck me why am I the most visited trading blog around town, look to your right, 100,000 visitors soon! How did i manage to stumble into the idea of starting a trading journal online? Why are there many others trying to do what i have done? I found my answers after attending what could be the important seminar of my life! I am a natural creator and a star! By definition, I have the natural talent that people will notice in me when I'm showing it, unique personality and the ability to create an identity!
Without knowing, I have intuitively created a brand, growmoney and an identity known as Decipher right here! The best part of all this, I am having so much fun doing all these! Most importantly, I have brought with me value. It is this value that you keep returning to my website everyday and I thank you for that. My value is my sincerity in sharing my analysis, my losses and my wins! From giving, i end up receiving from Google which all you good people there who were supporting my blog on a daily basis *take a bow*, Thank you!
I always wanted my visitors to avoid my mistakes, learn them together so you will not lose money! I have lost money from March'04 right through to July'05! I could have just thrown in the towel and decided that I am not good at trading. But I did not! Guess what happened 6 months after July'05? I have started to profit consistently! This is what matters! The past does not equals the future! Just read my archives and you will see how did i fare so far. By the way, everyone losses money in the market, it is how you should not repeat the same mistakes that counts! From now on, I will seek my true path and growmoney the fun way! : ) Ok enough about me, Let's head on to the market!!! haha
If you have known me from the Wealth Dynamics Weekend and visiting for the first time, Hello and Welcome! : )
China stocks seems to be still very much in play but I will be very nimble on them. I never forgets the gravity rule which applies to the market as well. Last Friday's closing was bullish! We are threatening to break the STI 2500 level!!! The day started with selling and i thought the market stood firm from the selling pressure. What came next in the afternoon was waves of buying. Everyone was cheering in the shoutbox above! haha With Elections boundaries in the news, GE can be very near us. When GE is around the corner, the stock market will celebrate. Watch out for this profitable opportunity!
You must read this!!!
Sunray: I witnessed what I thought was a classic accumulation manipulation. This is what happened, I sold on Thursday after i saw that the counter finishes the day with a higher shadow. The buyer from my sale was Meril Lynch! I did not think much about it because they could be buying for someone of high networth. My handphone went off 2 times, first in the morning when Sunray hit 0.515, the volume wasn't great and hence i did not pay much attention to it. Then the second time came, that's around 4pm. The price again hit 0.515, i like what i saw, selling during the day and buying near closing. A quick glance at the tape showed that more people are buying up and accumulation seems to be taking place. I grabbed 50% of what I wanted to own and the seller was UOBKayhian! This must be a retailer selling. With UOBKayhian selling, Meril Lynch buying, i would rather follow the buying! Of course all this observation will be a joke, if we see Sunray not breaking higher levels in the coming days! :D
GrowMoney Quickpick!
Decipher's blueline theory - dudes! You got to scroll down and check last week's quickpick list!! I have at least 4 good trades!
Stock : Line of least resistance
Celestial : 1.08
China Petro : 0.58
FibreChem : 0.95
SkyPetrol : 0.57
SunRay : 0.515
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings. Copyright © 2006 GrowMoney Blog. All rights reserved.