Survive, Profits, Massive Profits
Have you heard of the above phrase? It means you must first learn to survive in trading. After that, you will have profits followed by massive profits. I think I am still at the first stage. I watched my profit evaporates first from SPH babies then from Simsci today. Both average about 50% ROI. Trading is indeed tough. When I sold Keppel Land too early last week, i missed 100% ROI . This week, I stick to my discipline and saw my profits evaporates. While I have the brains to take a quick profit off SPH babies, I stupidly let my position in simsci turn to a small loss. What to do? Just have to stick hands inside pocket and move on. I shall continue to stick to my system and rules. One day I will be rewarded. I still have 2 positions in market. Let's see how I will end up.


SPH - I expected the market to dislike the normal dividend but I never expect the selling to be of this magnitude. My 70% ROI slashed to 10% as I cashed out today.
Simsci Update: There is a gap from 272.4 to 273.3 . With today's closing, it won't be a surprise to see it test this support area.