hehehe My OCO order was triggered today! Technology! Cool! For those not familiar with this, OCO is one cancel other. I had set one protective stop to protect my profits incase the price of my banking stock comes down and then a limit sell at $12.90... oh nevermind that i missed the 6 cents higher closing price..it is already good profit, i shall take it with many thanks. haha Upon close scrutiny of the chart, wah it seems like it can still climb higher.. however, no choice, country comes first.. wahaha
Okie my property counter isn't doing so fantastically well. In fact it closed lower than Friday's closing. My trailing stop looks set to be triggered tomorrow if market gaps down. Unless Dow edges forward again! :D A quick screen shows that many property counters are resisted. It's about time they do so as they have been defying gravity for the longest of time. Financials is the star of today's session closing very strongly. Now that property sector has paused, if financial starts to do so... then perhaps market may retrace/correct. We then can start to look at those support to long again! What about commodities and related sector? They too showed weakness in price. Nan dao financial is the last leg up? lai, let's see what happens tomorrow.
Eh, you must be wondering, how come reservist still can blog? still can watch market? Today is just the first day where we settle admin work...the busy schedule should start once the orientation is complete. Why don't i take a 3 weeks break from market completely? I won't do that.. it is important that i continue to observe how the market trades during the next 3 weeks.. this will be helpful when i make my return to trading in 3 weeks time.
Counting down... 20 more days to go...
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Welcome to my trading journal! A place where I share my Psychology, Money Management & Trading system on trading shares in the Singapore Stock Market. Fellow shares enthusiasts are welcomed to share thoughts too. I hope my posts will be educational to you in your quest to growmoney. I can be reached at eehwa.ng@gmail.com outside of the blog.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Here without Ah-Gu
I watched on as the market once again recovers from intra-day weakness and finished the Friday session on a high note. I deviated from my game plan where i would have taken profit on the banking stock which i picked up on Thursday closing. Dow didn't play punk with me on Thurs and Friday it closed strong again. I figured it must have frustrated the shortists. Once we crossed the 9k mark firmly, most bears would have to run for cover and that's what happened on Thursday night? At least this is what i think. Alright, back to my positions, i saw the market actions and somehow it prompted me to keep my positions. It looks like it's the first day of breakout and i would expect more upside for the upcoming days. Thus, i intend to set trailing stops. My idea is, if i am wrong, and the market do a sudden reversal, then at most i lose back some of my profits. But if i am right, i will end up making alot more than now. As my reservist is starting, i cannot add new positions or be active in trading. But it is still useful to check out the broad market through screening. The post market analysis confluence with what i observed on Friday. Indeed, alot of breakouts akan datang. Weakness or cautious is when i start to see many stocks not going higher anymore.
I will not be around to watch the market for the next 3 weeks. Alas, my reservist will start tomorrow... what bad timing. Somemore cannot bring laptop or my 3G phone in...7am to 11pm... Hence i can only leave orders in the system. Anyway, i will be taking this good chance to read up on more T.A techniques... to me, this reservist is like i go into the mountains to learn kungfu. wahahahaha
During my absence, i hope you guys make more! Huat arh! and i will see you as and when i can get online!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
I will not be around to watch the market for the next 3 weeks. Alas, my reservist will start tomorrow... what bad timing. Somemore cannot bring laptop or my 3G phone in...7am to 11pm... Hence i can only leave orders in the system. Anyway, i will be taking this good chance to read up on more T.A techniques... to me, this reservist is like i go into the mountains to learn kungfu. wahahahaha
During my absence, i hope you guys make more! Huat arh! and i will see you as and when i can get online!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Patience .... patience...
Haiyo... yesterday i slept early to watch the solar eclipse ma! :D Once in a life time leh!
Dow's 7-day winning streak really leaves one open mouth big big. By probabilities, the chance of going higher is lower without first experiencing a pull back. But pull back maybe shallow as what we seen in March. Without much negative news, i feel only normal retracement in an upward trend may happen as we go higher. The primary trend without a mistake is upwards for now.
Many are talking about possible double top as we head towards last highs. I would wait to see how market trades there before i initiate any short positions. There is a time to long at support, there is also a time where u shouldn't buy at support. Same goes for resistance. When i say wait to see how market trades there, i am refering to candlesticks patterns.
If i have positions, i would unload on the way up and prepare to buy back at lower levels. But since i only have 1 long position, i shall keep it. Hearsay duing my reservist the timing is from 7am to 11pm... sian half... however, i am thinking to keep a long position on one strong stock.. just one so that i can grow money while serving the country.
While i look for stocks to long, i notice many are too near resistance to offer any good risk reward. Thus, i think it is prudent to wait for attractive levels. Don't be surprise those levels can be reached during intra-day where we have those quick sell-offs to those levels then we close higher.. a pattern which is commonplace.
Like Livermore said, "There's a time to long, there's a time to short, there is also a time to stand aside" But while we stand aside, make sure we don't miss the next trade!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Dow's 7-day winning streak really leaves one open mouth big big. By probabilities, the chance of going higher is lower without first experiencing a pull back. But pull back maybe shallow as what we seen in March. Without much negative news, i feel only normal retracement in an upward trend may happen as we go higher. The primary trend without a mistake is upwards for now.
Many are talking about possible double top as we head towards last highs. I would wait to see how market trades there before i initiate any short positions. There is a time to long at support, there is also a time where u shouldn't buy at support. Same goes for resistance. When i say wait to see how market trades there, i am refering to candlesticks patterns.
If i have positions, i would unload on the way up and prepare to buy back at lower levels. But since i only have 1 long position, i shall keep it. Hearsay duing my reservist the timing is from 7am to 11pm... sian half... however, i am thinking to keep a long position on one strong stock.. just one so that i can grow money while serving the country.
While i look for stocks to long, i notice many are too near resistance to offer any good risk reward. Thus, i think it is prudent to wait for attractive levels. Don't be surprise those levels can be reached during intra-day where we have those quick sell-offs to those levels then we close higher.. a pattern which is commonplace.
Like Livermore said, "There's a time to long, there's a time to short, there is also a time to stand aside" But while we stand aside, make sure we don't miss the next trade!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Monday, July 20, 2009
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
MacD Bullish Crossovers
In my last posting, sorry i had to use mandarin because it is a rule for myself to alternatively rotate between the two languages and i can't seems to stop because it is so fun! I remembered last time when i was still an active trainer, my pet phrase is, "Trading must be fun, making money in the stock market must be fun, otherwise you must be doing the wrong things!" How true! Think about it, how many of us have read it or heard about it somewhere where the world's richest people are doing things they love to do. Logically speaking, how can anyone excel if they are not having fun in doing the things they are doing? No wonder 90% of the market participants are losing money. Many came with the mindset to make money.... alas they forgotten that they should be focusing on the process of making the money. Once you get the process right, money is the reward. Money is the result of your analysis. Michael Jordan knows he needs to shoot basket inorder to win championships... he trained hard. But what are we doing? We are dreaming about the big wins...but infact we should be focussing on the analysis. If we are correct, the money will follow. This brings to me a point on when to Hoot Tua Tua (Trading agressively)...
To Hoot tua tua, the opportunities doesn't come everyday.. i only hoot tua tua when i see obvious T.A signs and major confluences. Just like recently, i was preparing to hoot tua tua because many signs are pointing to the market crashing off a head and shoulder formation. When we rebound off a fake breakout, my rule is not to hoot. Truth be told, i would have hooted if Dow that night crashed.
As i peered through the charts over the weekend, i noticed many stocks has MacD Bullish Crossovers. Many of which are above the zero reference line which in my opinion is sign of upward trend. Earnings from the US once again top estimates. Giving strong reasons why the market should be heading north. Not wanting to miss the train, i load up on a long position. If I am right about the markets breaking new highs, i should make money off it. However, because of the big rebound last week, my risk/reward mgmt only allows me a small position which i am looking forward to add if the upward trend continues. Once the breakout happens, i will be watching for light volume retracement. OTherwise flag formation will be good as well. This is where market is looking to shake out weak holders.
If you look at the STI weekly chart, a beautiful bullish crossover has occured. Usually within the next 5 weeks we should know if this is just a whipsaw.
A watchout for me is when the market experience high volume sell off at resistance accross the board. This is a sign i will never forget because it has so far saved me from losing my profits or unneccessary losses during the last bull market.
I will also be going for my in-camp training soon... hopefully they have internet at cookhouse... 21st century army right? keke
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
To Hoot tua tua, the opportunities doesn't come everyday.. i only hoot tua tua when i see obvious T.A signs and major confluences. Just like recently, i was preparing to hoot tua tua because many signs are pointing to the market crashing off a head and shoulder formation. When we rebound off a fake breakout, my rule is not to hoot. Truth be told, i would have hooted if Dow that night crashed.
As i peered through the charts over the weekend, i noticed many stocks has MacD Bullish Crossovers. Many of which are above the zero reference line which in my opinion is sign of upward trend. Earnings from the US once again top estimates. Giving strong reasons why the market should be heading north. Not wanting to miss the train, i load up on a long position. If I am right about the markets breaking new highs, i should make money off it. However, because of the big rebound last week, my risk/reward mgmt only allows me a small position which i am looking forward to add if the upward trend continues. Once the breakout happens, i will be watching for light volume retracement. OTherwise flag formation will be good as well. This is where market is looking to shake out weak holders.
If you look at the STI weekly chart, a beautiful bullish crossover has occured. Usually within the next 5 weeks we should know if this is just a whipsaw.
A watchout for me is when the market experience high volume sell off at resistance accross the board. This is a sign i will never forget because it has so far saved me from losing my profits or unneccessary losses during the last bull market.
I will also be going for my in-camp training soon... hopefully they have internet at cookhouse... 21st century army right? keke
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
升天了。。。需要升到这么厉害吗?没办法啦,只好大方的接收现实,很有规律的止损。我把手上的股全部平了仓。既然我的分析已错,就不应该死撑. 留的青山在,不怕没材烧。 说句实话,我也是人,看到股市这么猛,没赚钱已经非常心痛,我还得止损。。。那里不会失望。。。那里不会沮丧。如果能战无不胜就好!但,与其闷闷不乐不如把精神集中在下一步棋。
对于今天的闭市价,真的使我跌破眼镜。交易量也非常高。多数的阻力已破灭。海峡有望重登2424点大关。有了这个想法,如果不赚钱等于白说。小弟我将已突破交易策略寻找下一个目标。现在要看的是20与50天的均线。 股价的蜡烛形态也很重要。其实我也只不过是跟着我的交易计划。上周我已记载如何应用20与50天均线。假设突破成功,请注意价格回撤配合小小交易量。您看,股市是多么的千变万画,怎样的走市,我们就用相对的招述。
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
对于今天的闭市价,真的使我跌破眼镜。交易量也非常高。多数的阻力已破灭。海峡有望重登2424点大关。有了这个想法,如果不赚钱等于白说。小弟我将已突破交易策略寻找下一个目标。现在要看的是20与50天的均线。 股价的蜡烛形态也很重要。其实我也只不过是跟着我的交易计划。上周我已记载如何应用20与50天均线。假设突破成功,请注意价格回撤配合小小交易量。您看,股市是多么的千变万画,怎样的走市,我们就用相对的招述。
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
When what was supposed to be ends up not to be
Tossing and flipping on the bed... the night was really uncomfortable... i staggered out of bed to check out the bathroom... took a glance on the clock.. 5:11am! Wah not enough sleep again.. as i age, i notice i am waking up way too early as if i don't need longer hours for sleep. I checked Dow and to my horror.. +185 pts up... I lie back on the bed and couldn't help imagine the worst case scenario of my stocks. There is not way I can fall back to sleep anymore. Stupid treacherous market. Even if you turn back the time, i would still think Asia was already there, broken and ready to nose dive to the south.....alas Ms Whitney had to upgrade Goldman on this night. Totally reverses the bearish sentiment.
Much to my surprise... the market did gap up but i came out just slightly worse off. Look around... most stocks did not break previous high? most stocks end the day with black candles? Those supports and resistances that i am eyeing are still intact? What about my positions? Out of 3 shorts, 1 remains profitable while the other 2 are under water but only slightly. Contary to what you read in the shoutbox above, i did not go long. Though i am tempted to! I fancy a long hedge against my short positions. However upon closer look, we are too near to resistance for the hedge to be any effective. Thus, i am eyeing those resistance level to hold. For all i need is a piece of bad news to trigger a landslide in this thinly traded market. I know i am wrong in my analysis if the market trades above 20dma convincingly and 50dma is well supported. This must happen to broadbase market for me to change my view. Another perspective which i did consider over the weekend is, the weekly chart is actually painting a bullish picture. However, in my opinion, i feel that the market may trade lower and there is one particular level which i am eyeing for the "low" of this downtrend before another upward trend develops. We were so close to getting there on Monday, nevermind, patience! What if i miss? At most i buy at a higher price knowing that the market is going to head higher anyway.
The reasons why i am hanging to my shorts:
1. Stops not triggered
2. Volume on the rebound is weak. Most of the stocks failed to exhibit confidence to trade higher. Infact many stumbled at the resistance
3. Dow is right at the resistance on the daily chart. Awaits how Dow trades at current level.
4. Goldman's result maybe priced in the run-up yesterday and today may sucuumb to profit taking. I am betting this profit taking to snowball into an avalanche
5. There's a bradley turn date nearby this week.
Add to my shorts? Surely yes if we have a sudden massive sell-off. Infact if you could understand my mandarin post last night, i was all prepared to hoot tua tua today if support cracks. Haiz... it did not happen... guess i have to wait again.
Lastly, if you are one of those waiting to catch me tell a lie in the blog, sorry to disappoint you. All you can find is my integrity and honesty. I see no reason to brag about my profits or hide my losses here. Look around, how many are there that allow readers to post comment? Put a shoutbox? Knowing fully that i will be criticised by critics or subject to targeted insinuations, my blog is still kept open for comments. The truth is, I am not ashame when i lose a trade. I will be kidding myself if i portray an image of invicibility in the stock market. There is no such thing. It is how i manage my winning trades and my losing trades that counts. Trading is a mind game where you pit against your psychological makeup. If i am so conscious about what people think of me, i am only introducing another obstacle in my trading. I remember someone asked me, since i am already trading full time and running a business, why do i still keep a blog. Well, this is me. If this is one way i can contribute back to the investment community, i will continue to update this blog until the day i am no longer wanted. I feel happy if i can brighten up someone's day through this blog. : )
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Much to my surprise... the market did gap up but i came out just slightly worse off. Look around... most stocks did not break previous high? most stocks end the day with black candles? Those supports and resistances that i am eyeing are still intact? What about my positions? Out of 3 shorts, 1 remains profitable while the other 2 are under water but only slightly. Contary to what you read in the shoutbox above, i did not go long. Though i am tempted to! I fancy a long hedge against my short positions. However upon closer look, we are too near to resistance for the hedge to be any effective. Thus, i am eyeing those resistance level to hold. For all i need is a piece of bad news to trigger a landslide in this thinly traded market. I know i am wrong in my analysis if the market trades above 20dma convincingly and 50dma is well supported. This must happen to broadbase market for me to change my view. Another perspective which i did consider over the weekend is, the weekly chart is actually painting a bullish picture. However, in my opinion, i feel that the market may trade lower and there is one particular level which i am eyeing for the "low" of this downtrend before another upward trend develops. We were so close to getting there on Monday, nevermind, patience! What if i miss? At most i buy at a higher price knowing that the market is going to head higher anyway.
The reasons why i am hanging to my shorts:
1. Stops not triggered
2. Volume on the rebound is weak. Most of the stocks failed to exhibit confidence to trade higher. Infact many stumbled at the resistance
3. Dow is right at the resistance on the daily chart. Awaits how Dow trades at current level.
4. Goldman's result maybe priced in the run-up yesterday and today may sucuumb to profit taking. I am betting this profit taking to snowball into an avalanche
5. There's a bradley turn date nearby this week.
Add to my shorts? Surely yes if we have a sudden massive sell-off. Infact if you could understand my mandarin post last night, i was all prepared to hoot tua tua today if support cracks. Haiz... it did not happen... guess i have to wait again.
Lastly, if you are one of those waiting to catch me tell a lie in the blog, sorry to disappoint you. All you can find is my integrity and honesty. I see no reason to brag about my profits or hide my losses here. Look around, how many are there that allow readers to post comment? Put a shoutbox? Knowing fully that i will be criticised by critics or subject to targeted insinuations, my blog is still kept open for comments. The truth is, I am not ashame when i lose a trade. I will be kidding myself if i portray an image of invicibility in the stock market. There is no such thing. It is how i manage my winning trades and my losing trades that counts. Trading is a mind game where you pit against your psychological makeup. If i am so conscious about what people think of me, i am only introducing another obstacle in my trading. I remember someone asked me, since i am already trading full time and running a business, why do i still keep a blog. Well, this is me. If this is one way i can contribute back to the investment community, i will continue to update this blog until the day i am no longer wanted. I feel happy if i can brighten up someone's day through this blog. : )
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Monday, July 13, 2009
对不起我让看不懂华文的朋友失望。 我犯了天下间男人会犯的错。在我的世界里出现了第三者。我认了,我已爱上了华文。哈哈!虽然比较花时间,但我享受这个过程。能够使我把十五年前所学的,发挥出来。 还得多谢多位江湖中人拔刀相助,纠正了我的错字。给我多一点时间,我一定把华文学好。
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
对不起我让看不懂华文的朋友失望。 我犯了天下间男人会犯的错。在我的世界里出现了第三者。我认了,我已爱上了华文。哈哈!虽然比较花时间,但我享受这个过程。能够使我把十五年前所学的,发挥出来。 还得多谢多位江湖中人拔刀相助,纠正了我的错字。给我多一点时间,我一定把华文学好。
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Awaiting the mother of all triggers
I find blogging in mandarin getting more and more interesting, now i can write at a much faster speed. It's like re-learning mandarin all over again. Quite fun actually. It gives me a new reason to blog....like a second life! haha
The rebound due to the clarification of the tax rule did little to calm nerves in the market. I am wary of a big rebound since we are trading at 50-day ma... however, many charts have since made a lower highs, plus the dreaded bearish crossovers over MAs. I favour downside more than upside from here. Dow was unable to trade back above 8250 and that is a weak sign to me. In the Ang mo charts, one can easily see weakness written all over. All these can reverse if there is a powerful rally that pierce the 20MA... otherwise, so long market is below it, i will stay short.
Frustratingly, STI looked strong.. while many regional markets had fallen...i wonder why our market is keeping up the pretence... one can almost feel the invisible hands at work.. U look at SPH, SMRT and Singtel.. On a day where properties and banks were whacked... these 3 stocks hold the STI up above a key support level at 2245.. Welcome to the stock market! haha The biggest casino in the world man! The no follow through buying caught my eyes... now awaiting the mother of all trigger.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
The rebound due to the clarification of the tax rule did little to calm nerves in the market. I am wary of a big rebound since we are trading at 50-day ma... however, many charts have since made a lower highs, plus the dreaded bearish crossovers over MAs. I favour downside more than upside from here. Dow was unable to trade back above 8250 and that is a weak sign to me. In the Ang mo charts, one can easily see weakness written all over. All these can reverse if there is a powerful rally that pierce the 20MA... otherwise, so long market is below it, i will stay short.
Frustratingly, STI looked strong.. while many regional markets had fallen...i wonder why our market is keeping up the pretence... one can almost feel the invisible hands at work.. U look at SPH, SMRT and Singtel.. On a day where properties and banks were whacked... these 3 stocks hold the STI up above a key support level at 2245.. Welcome to the stock market! haha The biggest casino in the world man! The no follow through buying caught my eyes... now awaiting the mother of all trigger.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Did you see what i see?

I saw: black white black white black white black white in the box... Dow is doing a roulette with us? :D
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Managing my risk in this falling market
Properties actually looked quite firm yesterday as they did not crash through the key support levels. But the news abt tax on capital gains spooked the market. Ok, i am not short on properties and thus didn't benefit. But the cake sim part is when u see the rest of the market falls like a rock and ur stock goes up! DBS! I had great plan on how to make big bucks trading DBS. Waiting to hoot at the breakout and then cover back only to short again at the re-test. I covered DBS near closing because i didn't like the high volume and the resiliency it shows in a falling market. This is confirmed with the other two banks which also closed higher off the support. Now i have to devise another plan to benefit from this falling market. Which i did so in the afternoon.
I went short S&P futures with an opinion that the head & shoulder patterns i saw all over the place is going to drag the global markets lower. I see more downside than up even if there is a rebound, i suspect the rebound will be weak. Look at STI, held up by invisible hands... despite Nikkei and HSI fell badly. This pretence cannot sustain surely. Hence my bet is on US markets to lead the downfall. I won't know exactly when, but i know i am wrong if those heads and shoulders are violated. I will also be keen to watch for weak rebound to initiative more shorts.
Currently i am still short on one local stock and S&P futures. I asked myself, do i want to hoot tua tua at this time? What are my probabilities? I have to admit, it will be silly of me to hoot right here. This is not the time to be agressive. I prefer to wait patiently at the next rebound. That is where the risk/reward is the highest! What i done today is to keep my good profits in DBS and then use this profit to risk a S&P short. If i am right, then i make more money. If i am wrong, at most i lose back some profits. I am increasing my profit potential here with low risk. On the other hand, if i hang on to my DBS shorts, and then still short S&P, then when i am wrong, my profits may potentially be wipe out by the new short in S&P. The reward, certainly more profits if i am right. The above two scenarios are my considerations this afternoon and i choose to make more profits with smaller risk.
Remember, it is a sin to lose all ur profits back to the market.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
I went short S&P futures with an opinion that the head & shoulder patterns i saw all over the place is going to drag the global markets lower. I see more downside than up even if there is a rebound, i suspect the rebound will be weak. Look at STI, held up by invisible hands... despite Nikkei and HSI fell badly. This pretence cannot sustain surely. Hence my bet is on US markets to lead the downfall. I won't know exactly when, but i know i am wrong if those heads and shoulders are violated. I will also be keen to watch for weak rebound to initiative more shorts.
Currently i am still short on one local stock and S&P futures. I asked myself, do i want to hoot tua tua at this time? What are my probabilities? I have to admit, it will be silly of me to hoot right here. This is not the time to be agressive. I prefer to wait patiently at the next rebound. That is where the risk/reward is the highest! What i done today is to keep my good profits in DBS and then use this profit to risk a S&P short. If i am right, then i make more money. If i am wrong, at most i lose back some profits. I am increasing my profit potential here with low risk. On the other hand, if i hang on to my DBS shorts, and then still short S&P, then when i am wrong, my profits may potentially be wipe out by the new short in S&P. The reward, certainly more profits if i am right. The above two scenarios are my considerations this afternoon and i choose to make more profits with smaller risk.
Remember, it is a sin to lose all ur profits back to the market.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
各位乡亲夫老门,大家一定觉得惊讶,是不是来错了地方?放心,这还是小弟我,帝赛福。最近不知为何有点神精嘻嘻的,心有点七上八下。。非常不安。 除了在此地,恐怕没有属于我的世界。读到这里,您应该以察觉到我的华文并不强,所以如有错字,敬请包涵。因为,今晚我心血来潮,将使用我的母语记载我对股市的看法。大家来尝试新的体验!
今早的稍微回单其实是一个很好卖空的几回。如果说挨了两天的熊仔消魂掌才来信灾乐祸,这是马后炮。在上周,我就已技术分析法买空了一只指数股。当时我的唯一考量是风险对盈利比例非常的好,可说是难得一见的大好机会。有没有包赢?等久就有。不然我早就破釜沉舟全压了! 股票不是这样玩地。这是一个马拉松,钱就是我们的氧气。不能一次用完。要是破产,便会害人害己。
在股市里,我发现了许多反转图形。这是非常熊的。如果只有一两只股也巴。 但如果是在大多数的图表里看到同样的现象,这是一个警告。所谓欲先善其事,必先利其器。如过大家引用差别合约,我们就可卖空。把本来忧郁的熊市变成一个开心的时刻。
就如上一个记录,我任然很注意那些支撑价位。如果说这只是一个段斩的调整,那些支撑将会非常坚固。相反的,如果被突破,我便会在下个测试回单继续卖空。要不然在这个价位卖空的风险相当高。这就是我的计划。如今我在股市里有两个卖空的位置。最好是海峡指数能破2240 点,迈向2180点!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
今早的稍微回单其实是一个很好卖空的几回。如果说挨了两天的熊仔消魂掌才来信灾乐祸,这是马后炮。在上周,我就已技术分析法买空了一只指数股。当时我的唯一考量是风险对盈利比例非常的好,可说是难得一见的大好机会。有没有包赢?等久就有。不然我早就破釜沉舟全压了! 股票不是这样玩地。这是一个马拉松,钱就是我们的氧气。不能一次用完。要是破产,便会害人害己。
在股市里,我发现了许多反转图形。这是非常熊的。如果只有一两只股也巴。 但如果是在大多数的图表里看到同样的现象,这是一个警告。所谓欲先善其事,必先利其器。如过大家引用差别合约,我们就可卖空。把本来忧郁的熊市变成一个开心的时刻。
就如上一个记录,我任然很注意那些支撑价位。如果说这只是一个段斩的调整,那些支撑将会非常坚固。相反的,如果被突破,我便会在下个测试回单继续卖空。要不然在这个价位卖空的风险相当高。这就是我的计划。如今我在股市里有两个卖空的位置。最好是海峡指数能破2240 点,迈向2180点!
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
50 DMA is the key level
After my studies, i realised 50-dma seems to be the key level for the market this week. There are stocks trading right at 50-dma, some infact broken and many others still slightly above it. God knows what will happen if those above catches up. Is the market setting up for big crash? Earnings will kick off soon and after a dismal job loss report, the market seems to be anticipating to sell off any sign of weakening quaterly reports. If the earnings come in better, it may be the perfect ingredient for a rally.
Dow's 8250 maybe the confidence the market needs... both S&P and it has a Head and shoulder lookalike which echoed some of the stocks in the SG market as well. Nan dao... this time i hoot tio seh? keke I am also looking at HSI at 17,300 and how Nikkei trades 9.5k.
N.Korea fires missiles to celebrate independence day with defiance. Back in 2005/06, market always react negatively to N.Korea's actions for fear of a war up in the North. Recent test fires has been largely ignored. I think it is because back in those years, economies are still growing, market is bullish and looking for a reason to pull back. Fast forward to current market, we are talking about green shoots, however econs data were often mixed and job losses continue to worsen. We are still not sure of recovery and market heads uncertainties. Hence many look forward to improved earnings as a sign.... that is key. From the charts, i can see that the market has pulled back to wait for more clues.
As of now, i feel it can still go either way. We need those key levels to be compromised first.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Dow's 8250 maybe the confidence the market needs... both S&P and it has a Head and shoulder lookalike which echoed some of the stocks in the SG market as well. Nan dao... this time i hoot tio seh? keke I am also looking at HSI at 17,300 and how Nikkei trades 9.5k.
N.Korea fires missiles to celebrate independence day with defiance. Back in 2005/06, market always react negatively to N.Korea's actions for fear of a war up in the North. Recent test fires has been largely ignored. I think it is because back in those years, economies are still growing, market is bullish and looking for a reason to pull back. Fast forward to current market, we are talking about green shoots, however econs data were often mixed and job losses continue to worsen. We are still not sure of recovery and market heads uncertainties. Hence many look forward to improved earnings as a sign.... that is key. From the charts, i can see that the market has pulled back to wait for more clues.
As of now, i feel it can still go either way. We need those key levels to be compromised first.
DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Market barely clinges on...more downside to come?
It wasn't comfortable yesterday. The market rebounded ferociously against my short position and while stop loss was not hit, sometimes you are tempted to just cover the position and stand aside. With only 1 short position, i can afford to take the risk and hang on to the position. This is not blind faith and certainly not based on hope analysis. This is risk management couple with T.A. What i saw in that rebound on Wednesday is the light volume. I just can't believe the rebound can sustain on a very obvious light volume. Resistance still holds while we rebounded with light volume. What happens there and why the light volume, this i won't know. Livermore couldn't have said it better, the why usually will be answered after the move has started.
It was satisfying to see market tanks in the afternoon. However it all points to nothing if we don't close lower by Friday. Because from where the technicals are showing, naturally it should falls lower. If we trade higher on Friday - TREACHEROUS! Currently Dow is 3 digits down...sort of confirmed we are going to go down tomorrow. Pls dun get me wrong, I am not saying this is the start of another bear market. I just thought the market is showing that it is going lower and i just trade accordingly. As a market participant, we are like a boxer, we must know when to long, when to short.
Below shows the only short position i have in this market. I need the head and shoulder formation to form...once formed, i will swing into full shorts. Otherwise i feel the current volume is still not a strong indication. Bear rebounds are quick and can be high....shaking shortists out of position. It will be nice if tomorrow we wake up to a -280 from Dow... c'mon Dow u can do it!

DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
It was satisfying to see market tanks in the afternoon. However it all points to nothing if we don't close lower by Friday. Because from where the technicals are showing, naturally it should falls lower. If we trade higher on Friday - TREACHEROUS! Currently Dow is 3 digits down...sort of confirmed we are going to go down tomorrow. Pls dun get me wrong, I am not saying this is the start of another bear market. I just thought the market is showing that it is going lower and i just trade accordingly. As a market participant, we are like a boxer, we must know when to long, when to short.
Below shows the only short position i have in this market. I need the head and shoulder formation to form...once formed, i will swing into full shorts. Otherwise i feel the current volume is still not a strong indication. Bear rebounds are quick and can be high....shaking shortists out of position. It will be nice if tomorrow we wake up to a -280 from Dow... c'mon Dow u can do it!

DISCLAIMER: The contents in this website are for fun reading and must not be taken as a buy or sell advice. You must do your own analysis on top of my postings. By reading this blog, you agreed that i am not responsible for your trading.
light volume
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