Welcome to my trading journal! A place where I share my Psychology, Money Management & Trading system on trading shares in the Singapore Stock Market. Fellow shares enthusiasts are welcomed to share thoughts too. I hope my posts will be educational to you in your quest to growmoney. I can be reached at eehwa.ng@gmail.com outside of the blog.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas!
24th will see our minimum bid size changed. I wonder how this will affect the index movement... Friday was a good good day... regionally most index charts finished with a hammer pattern. It will be wonderful if we can close a white candle on the weekly for the coming week. After the clean clean flush on Monday, we never looked back and the rebound was completed by Friday. S shares roamed the top volume charts. This reminded me of the QDII fund...some say it will start in Jan...
My game plan going forward is still to track HSI, plus my system has picked up a stock few stocks.
GrowMoney QuickPicks
I will be looking out for a quiet 24th and market to trade flat.. that to me will be an excellent chance to load light into the holidays. With so many writedowns by the banks and the government with foreign investors happy to provide liquidity to the credit crunch, the market may not die yet. Especially when bad news after bad news keep coming into the market and Dow Jones stood firm.. I like that.
Finally, Merry Christmas to all! and May all of us have a Bountiful Year End rally!
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, December 17, 2007
STI dips under 200MA
I went long HSI on Friday. HSI closed on my trendline support and I reckoned it was a pretty opportunity. Yeah, you can imagine my disgust when HSI tanks 1000 points by lunch! haha It is never easy to take a loss. Before you hit the sell button, u will have hallucination of a rebound when you sell... you will feel the pain when you realise your loss.... haha well well, i knew it only too well... all these are nonsenical reasons to hang on when I am wrong. Promptly I cut the position. I had a plan which entails what I wanted to do when things go wrong when i put up the position. If I am right about the trade, HSI should have rebounded back into 28000s.... for it to break the support means more selling may come and the next support i'm eyeing is at 25,800s thereabts. Why should I ride my losses down to 25,800s? Should I then hang on to the losing position and hope for a rebound? Well guess what? Even if there may be a rebound, HSI may head lower first and then rebound...rebound to where i could have sold... so in the end, it's LPPL. Wrong means wrong, cut my position and re-analyse.
It's interesting... very intresting... with the astrology date coming soon and we are heading down... coincidently, next week is last trading week of the year.... why does it sound like a plot?? We go down first until the bradley turn date and then trade higher due to window dressing??? hahaha
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Major support levels tested again
It was no surprise when the market came crashing down today. Last 2 weeks saw limited buy signals and what we got were sell signals. Most major indices were ripe for a pull back. Ironically, this sharp pull back maybe better than dying a slow death. It will flush out plenty of stale holders giving us fresh buyers when the bullish time returns. I still don't like the loose price actions in most stocks. A bull market doesn't react this way. Furthermore, it was very obvious that most of the stocks encountered heavy dumping on the way up. ChinaFish was one such example, i was tempted to buy at 1.83, but i didn't find the volume convincing and my opinion was the indices may pull back first. However Fish then went on to new high at 2.00 leaving me breathless and frustrated. If not for my colleagues beside me, only by using vulgarities would i be appeased. hahaha! Joking la, been in the market for quite sometime... situations like this already internalised. I make use of this incident to form yet another opinion. Because Fish was sold down to close at the low instead of the high, I knew a bullish market doesn't behave like this.
Now what? After this sharp pull back, I would be looking to see support levels holding... mixed market. Going up? I think the incentive to head up is still missing. 22 Dec 2007, Bradley turn date... going by astrology analysis, market major turning date.... let us watch how we trade before that date... 22nd.. hmm... next Saturday.. nan dao next week take position???
Another thing I want to share is the importance of managing our risk. If i had not taken my profits off the table quicker in this uncertain market, i would have been badly exposed. I think this is not the time to use trend trading system. Preferably swing trading.
Neither did I go short the market. This is because, with year end coming, there could be window dressing. Maybe after the dressing then short? Furthermore, this pull back is what i have been anticipating. Now my opinion is:
a) STI supported at gap. 3442 to 3397 thereabouts. If this level holds, i will tikam small. Basis? Higher low.....
b) DJ support at 13,200s level hold... then i shall long some call options.
c) My favourite Hang Seng... 27,400s should hold.
If you are one of the participant at this weekend's ChartNexus Technical Analysis Course, be assured that we will be sharing alot about price movement. So that you will know how to protect your positions or even make your own forecast! Remember, MAKE GOOD USE of the 2 full days to ask those burning questions!!!
For XPertTrader users, good news! Joseph has kick started the hand-holding session finally! This comes after the big demand from you. So those who are really keen to make good use of your investment in XPertTrader, remember to register your seat at http://www.chartnexus.com/events/details.php?eid=1126
US Economy numbers coming up!
Dec. 14
Industrial Production
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, December 10, 2007
SPH near 2 year high
Using XPertTrader to screen, there are still no buy signals and at least 48 sell signals. This is where market condition takes precedence. We are now waiting for FOMC meeting and that leaves little incentive for market to move up. Tomorrow will offer great opportunity! I be watching Nikkei and HSI's closing to get into position. It has shown in the past, market seems to know the news even before it happens.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Pull backs

December 08, 2007: 04:39 AM EST
By the way, I will be speaking at SGX Auditorium on Wednesday titled Trading Strategies Explained. This short seminar will introduce my style of interpreting MacD Histogram and find entries from uptrending stock or short sell in downtrending stock. What's more, we can use XPertTrader to automatically screen for the signals effortlessly. Saving precious evening time.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Mixed day
Using my sentiment scan, actually we had a mixed day rather than a bad day despite some heavy profit taking going on as i can see there are stocks which hold their ground and their gains. However since STI has been up the last few sessions, maybe time is ripe for a pull back. I will observe how is the selling on the pull back... this should differentiate between healthy retracement versus bear reversal
For HSI, my eyes will be at the 29,600 to 29,200 levels, it is crucial to see how it trades there.
At the economic front, more bad news than good. The only reason propping up the market could be rate cut as Bank of England already cut rate. Hence after next Tuesday? If it's factored in, then......
Also on my 4g1r trading system, Semb Marine & UOB has a sell signal caught my eyes.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Convincing rally alas
a) No heavy dumping at the top
b) We see follow through buying
c) Normal retracement due to profit taking
I picked up Synear in a nick of time when the China shares were in play. Nikkei's after lunch U-turn made lunch hour very exciting and when SSE was up 2%, our market rallied after lunch. This despite a report saying funds are pulling out from local bourse in the morning and we reacted negatively to it. However we soon recovered by lunch time.
Looking at my portfolio, i had kept Jiutian & Chinawheel before I head for holidays. My strategy for these 2 stocks is to hold
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Strategies on Banking sector
1. Buy very OTM PW with at least 60 days to expiry - will lose little if stock trades upwards. The trick is, when a stock is moving down, it will be faster than going up.
2. Buy slightly OTM PW with at least 60 days to expiry - will lose time value if underlying trades sideway.
3. Buy OTM PW with less than 30 days to expiry - will lose premium if underlying goes up
Notice I focus on the risk first instead of thinking abt the rewards? Alexander Elder said, "If you take care of your losses, your profits will take care of themselves"
I uploaded a cartoon made for my wedding night for your viewing pleasure incase you are bored with the intra day market.. keke
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Firstly...identify market direction
After standing aside the market for 30 days exactly to prepare for my wedding cum honeymoon, i lost the feel for market. This is the first time I have taken such a long leave from trading ever since I started persuing this life skills years ago. It was tough in the beginning as I fell sick due to trading withdrawal syndrome and this was 1 week before my wedding actual day. Forcefully I took my eyes off any financial news...it feels just like quiting smoking where temptations linger everywhere. I treat this as a test of my discipline. Psychologically I won. Really, learning trading has changed me so much as a person. Sometimes my ex-gf and even my sister complained that I am cold blooded and function like a robot. I don't know if you feel the same? For example, I no longer get into senseless argument where one must win for no good reason. I also don't convince people to do things my way for I understand this is how the universe works. Everyone is unique and does things differently. This is also how the stock market functions. There is no way 100% of the market participants will arrive on one single opinion collectively. That is why I often nodded or smile even if i don't agree with what I heard. I mean there is no need to impress upon others my opinion. It's just like we shouldn't argue with market direction! This bring us to the next point, I learnt to take failure in my stride and admitting to making any mistake. In life how many of us really likes to admit to mistakes? Most of the time, we will find circumstances as an excuse. That is why cutting loss when wrong is most difficult for most. And finally, my all time famous quote i read somewhere... "people tends to act out the way they are in the market and this is often leads to disasterous results"
Perhaps I haven't talked to myself for too long... gosh really long winded tonight! haha 1 more thought to share, technical analysis is indeed a life skills just like cycling and swimming... despite being away for sometime, the where to start, what to do just flow automatically when i analysed the charts. By the way, during the trip to Italy, i met Leonardo Da Vinci (Statue) and learnt alot about this man... hence I probably enhanced my fibonacci skills... wahahaha
With 2 seminars coming up, I need to get back my tempo and without saying of course market direction comes first! I won't be too anxious to hook up any stock position as yet. It's my style to always form an opinion then trade it.
My next stint is scheduled on 12th Dec.... titled trading strategies...interested party... u know where to register ...... www.chartnexus.com/events

DJ: I be watching for 2 situations:
a) We form a higher low and then breaks the red line.
b) We breaks the support where it is shown by the 2 arrows.

HSI: I am looking for the blue line to be supportive or the gap up.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

With my wedding and honey moon coming up, it's time to take a break from the market. I wish everyone tua tua huat and may the market leave some money for me when I am back in December.... Huat arh! keke
P.S I have taken my profit off YZJ inorder to cut down on my exposure. I shall sit through with the rest of the stocks that I owned unless the market really forces me to run clean clean.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.Thursday, November 01, 2007
Abnormal Market Behaviour
Inorder to cut down risk, i sold HongXin when the selling persist. I had wanted to ride this on the way up but the price actions has been too loose and i didn't like the wild swing. If everything is fine, i will look to buy back again.
I derive 2 opinions about the market.
1) Market trades in a range and we see major support levels hold.
2) Market breaks the major support levels and we crash south creating a lower low in price actions.
GrowMoney Quickpicks
SPC (Bull)
Ezra (Bull)
UOB (Bear)
SMB (Bear)
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Focus on market not on paper gains/losses
Just another reminder, the last ChartNexus Technical Analysis Course will be held on the 15th & 16th of December 2007. With more than 1 month away, seats are selling fast. If you have always been interested to learn the art of trading, do not miss this last course of the year because, come 2008, the course fees will be adjusted due to the increased in hotel rates.
XPertTrader Screening Result
SSH (GrowMoney Trading System)
LianBeng (GrowMoney Trading System)
Biosensor (Bollinger Breakout)
P.S Running out of trading ideas? Are you confused over what to buy? With XPertTrader, trading opportunities never run dry. Get yours today! www.chartnexus.com
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Red Army tries again
I respect risk. Although I still have a portfolio of stocks, i must agree readily that we are behaving like in a market top. The inevitable can happen. But, we will not know when. The only thing we can do is to manage our risk. When it happens, just remember to run away. The plunge from market top can take a few months to happen, so there is still upside to make from. This is why i will not just sell everything and wait for the crash to happen. Who am i to decide if market should plunge. The best thing to do is to form an opinion of what are the signs and take care of the risk.
Tonight i have more than 36 stocks in my XPertTrader screening. There should be a broadbase rally tomorrow. Best time to add should be during intra day weakness .
As November will be a busy month for me, there is only 1 Technical Analysis course. The last one for the year will be on 15th Dec. This course is computer based and many feel that it is very good to have the laptop for practise versus pencil and ruler with old charts. This is the last time the course is offered at the special price. Next year onwards, it will be charged at the usual rate. This is because hotel rates are increasing.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Is it really that bad?
a) in recent weeks, there wasn't any sucker rally and that mostly shares did not close up higher and i could feel a lack of participation from the retail side. Hence there will not be alot of panic selling.
b) DJ is near support at 13,400... it will be nice to see this level holding. Furthermore, alot of stocks are trading at their major support levels. If all these levels start to crack, my CFD account is ready.
I just concluded my course over the weekend and remembered something valuable which I have forgotten. As I introduced alot of strategies and techniques in the course, by the second day, I could usually see the "information overload" syndrome in the room. One participant asked, "So many things how to apply all" ..... then it struck me! Technical Analysis shouldn't be difficult. It should be fun and easy to apply. Hence my reply was, pick up 1 or 2 of the strategy learned and then slowly add on as you get comfortable. This way, it will be more effective and you can still have loads of fun. For the benefits of newcomers to trading, I urge you to learn price movement and identifying support and resistance first before even looking at indicators. Indicators can fail and WILL fail, it is the understanding of support and resistance with price movement which will limit your risk and LOSS!
As the market corrected today, for the brave ones, you might be wondering which stock to pick up if you believe this is the lowest market will go. Tonight, I made use of XPertTrader Fibonnaci rule to screen out stocks that had closed near the Fibonacci levels. Hence I can save precious time and focus on analysis rather than charts flipping.
XPertTrader Screening Results
No. Stock Name Triggerred Date Triggerred Rules
1 Allgreen 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
2 Biosensors 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
3 China Hong 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
4 ChinaAngel 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
5 ChinaAOil 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
6 ChinaPDye 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
7 CITYDEV 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
8 FerroChina 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
9 FORELAND FABRICTECH HLDS LTD 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
10 Full Apex 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
11 HG Metal 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
12 HL Asia 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
13 Oculus 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
14 Olam 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
15 Pac Andes 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
16 Penguin 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
17 Rotary 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
18 SeeHS 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
19 Sing Tel 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
20 SingHldg 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
21 Sky Petrol 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
22 StamfordLd 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
23 STX PO 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
24 Ultro 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 38.2% ))
25 AdvaHldg 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
26 AnnAik 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
27 Ascott 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
28 Asia Env 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
29 AsiaPharm 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
30 C&G Industrial Holdings 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
31 China Sky 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
32 CHINA SPORTS INTL LIMITED 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
33 China XLX 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
34 Dutech 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
35 FUJIAN ZHENYUN PLAS IND CO LTD 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
36 Hongguo 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
37 Jiutian 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
38 Manhattan Res 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
39 MapletreeLog 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
40 MiddleEastD 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
41 Ouhua 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
42 Parkway 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
43 SingPost 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
44 StarHub 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
45 Superbowl 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
46 Tai Sin 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
47 Wing Tai 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
48 Yanlord 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 50.0% ))
49 AllcoReit 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
50 BakerTech 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
51 BeautyChina 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
52 China Sun 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
53 ChipEngS 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
54 Contel 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
55 ETLA LIMITED 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
56 HLN Tech 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
57 Ho Bee 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
58 Hongwei 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
59 JK Tech 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
60 KingWan 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
61 Midas 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
62 TianjinZUS$ 22 Oct 2007 ((Fibonacci retracement around 61.8% ))
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Treacherous Market
Something about JiutTian, they are going to issue the warrants with strike price at 80cts. With current market price trading at low 60s, this warrant will only have time value with almost no premium since it's so far out of the money. I personally think the risk/reward favours. Well it all depends how much does the warrants trade. Furthermore, it looks to me a chart base is forming. My favourite characteristics are there.
Tonight, I'm going to share with you my own set of XPertTrader screening rules. These are the stocks i will study in more details tonight.
GrowMoney Quickpicks
1 AdvSCT 18 Oct 2007
2 China Hong 18 Oct 2007
3 Datapulse 18 Oct 2007
4 Epure 18 Oct 2007
5 Fung Choi 18 Oct 2007
6 Pan Hong 18 Oct 2007
7 SembMar 18 Oct 2007
8 SunVic 18 Oct 2007
9 Superbowl 18 Oct 2007
10 Tat Hong 18 Oct 2007
11 TianjinZUS$ 18 Oct 2007
12 UOB-KayH 18 Oct 2007
Get your own weapon in the market today! Feel the power of empowerment! Get XPertTrader today!
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Reading multiple time frame

SeeHS on the weekly chart, a classic rising wedge has formed. Why classic? Because the volume is declining just like a textbook rising wedge. My own interpretation of RSI current shows that the weekly price chart is under selling pressure. If price close near the lows on the weekly chart, my CFD is ready... keke Today I was abit more hardworking and walked over to finally get the account ready after months of talking about it. What I don't like is the cost of finance which stands at 4%...

The daily chart of SeeHS paints a totally different picture. Oscillators showing oversold, bullish engulfing pattern is formed based on last trading day and of course, I was attracted to this stock because of my daily XPertTrader screening rule, MacDHistogram signal. Looks like coming days we may see higher price for SeeHS.
No follow through in selling! Hurray! For a moment, I thought market is going to teach me a lesson for being too opinionated. I noticed many stocks finish the day closing away from the lows. Tonight, I am interested to know all the stocks that behave this way. How am I going to do that? : ) Using XPertTrader, I screened and found 35 nice hammers. Just by a click of a button! It cannot get more simpler than this. Tonight I shall share this list with you.
ChartNexus XPertTrader Screening Results:
No. Stock Name Triggerred Date Triggerred Rules
1 AdvSCT 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
2 Ascendasreit 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
3 Asia Env 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
4 BakerTech 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
5 CapitaComm 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
6 Celestial 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
7 ChinaAOil 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
8 ChinaFish 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
9 ChinaKangda 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
10 ChinaMilk 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
11 CITYDEV 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
12 CourageMa 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
13 DBS 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
14 Ellipsiz 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
15 Enzer 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
16 GuangzhaoIFB 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
17 HG Metal 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
18 Hiap Seng 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
19 Jade 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
20 KS Energy 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
21 LC Dev 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
22 Lian Beng 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
23 Man Wah 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
24 OKP 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
25 OrchardP 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
26 Ouhua 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
27 Parkway 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
28 Pine Agritech 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
29 RafflesEdu 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
30 SembCorp 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
31 SingHldg 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
32 Sinwa 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
33 SPH 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
34 SuntecReit 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
35 Synear 17 Oct 2007 ((Hammer))
XPertTrader is not just a software... it is a lifestyle choice... with it, you are spoilt for choices of what you can do. It saves time and makes analysis fast, simple and efficient. Our job as a trader is to analyse charts and identify the next opportunity. It's your choice if you want to run or walk in trading. I have chosen to saves precious time. 3 easy steps each night..... Start XPertTrader, click Stock Screener, click Start Screening. The next golden opportunity is just a click away!
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Red Army Perished?

All is not lost for Xiao Hong. Trading at a level which is attractive to pick up. The above chart shows how resistance may become a support. This line has supported the price once. Today it did again refusing the price to close underneath it. This technique is part of the many strategies taught in ChartNexus Technical Analysis Course, you may find more details at >>> http://www.chartnexus.com/events/details.php?eid=1138 . This course has been hugely successful and the time limited introductory price is very attractive which comes with 3 months free of XPertTrader. I urge you to take advantage of this package and learn how to take care of your money in the market today!
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, October 15, 2007
QDII Fun no more
Growmoney quickpicks
Full Apex
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Right Time, Right Place

Like I always advocate in my course, keep things simple. The truth is, the simplest Technical Analysis will work. In the example above, when Hiap Seng was being sold down, it caught everyone by surprise. It was the only oil gas company that was being sold when we see a broad market rally. Armed with just an oscillator (RSI) and classical T.A, I found a "growmoney line". This is nothing more than a trendline which i drew. keke In 2006, I give all time high a name, blueline...so here we go, another new name! :D haha My perceived support was about 80 cts, and I found 200 SMA trading nearby, fibonacci 61.8% was near too and last of all, my growmoney line. Even a gap support is nearby. I drew a conclusion that this must be a very strong support. There is no guarantee that I will be right that this stock will hold at my perceived support. Fear about it going down after buying? What if it goes up and I don't have a position? All I need to do is to put in a position size that is subjected to my money management rule. The GOLDEN RULE is, when i am wrong, i lose small, but when i am right, i win big big. Dare to pull the trigger! The longer i am in the game, the less feels i have for wins and losses. I was trained to focus on the craft and not the money. The old saying goes like this, "You get good at what you are doing, money will take care of itself".
I anticipate red chips play to be back this week. Most of them are forming flags or what we call short term price patterns. This week i will be pretty tied up at work, 1 workshop and a seminar at SGX happening. Hopefully I don't miss the breakouts!!!
There are so many stocks listed in the market, why Hiap Seng??? I am no superman. I just had a great companion in XPertTrader. I ran one of my rule to screen for stocks trading near Moving Averages for support. Hiap Seng came up. : )
Free online tutorial about Trading Moving Average can be found here >>> http://www.chartnexus.com/support/tutorials/xperttrader/CaseStudy_MA.php
I saw a couple of request for the mandarin version of T.A training. I think it is about time, I should help the chinese educated community. Let me see if can slot in a 2 hrs introductory special in December and close this amazing year at a high!
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Fair Game?

EI-Nets has a great trading day where it's volume and price shoots through the roof. SGX queried as per SOP and the company replied in a so standard fashion that is all too common....they are not aware what could have caused this. Remember this stock, according to past experience, weeks later it will be in the open what caused this unusual trading activity. Stock Market a fair game? I doubt so. keke
It was good to see late buying. Although late buying is typically good, it could also be due to shorts covering. Today I picked up one more stock, Hiap Seng. Interestingly it is trading near the 200 DMA while the rest of the oil & gas play are still firm. My view is fundamentally is sound, technically it's ugly. I remember their contracts are up to the brim. Hence I am trading my opinion on this stock. If i'm wrong, I will bite the bullet.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Portfolio makeover
Do not hesistate to join our seminar at SGX Auditorium where I will be sharing on how to trade effectively with Fibonacci. What's more, look out for ChartNexus special promotion! Register at http://www.chartnexus.com/events/details.php?eid=1133
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Hail the Red Army !
Today I picked up Jiutian during intra day pull back. I only have 1 China stock in my portfolio and it is simply not good enough! Hence I searched high and low, flipped through many charts... before I selected my trade. A number of observations that i made, on 21st Sept 2007, my trading system using XPertTrader picked up JiutTian, it broke it's all time high...blue line theory... those from my technical analysis course, check out my trading protocols in the first section of the course notes. And finally, we know most of the china stocks will go up the charts, however some will crawl some will fly... hence i had to choose the one that fits best into my stock selection process.

C2O Hldings, 1 of the stock that was discussed in the 2 day ChartNexus Technical Analysis course. Wooo la la, the kind of base characteristic we like.... pennant formation which fits into the time essence very well. Classic chart to trade on.
By the way, don't miss the next Technical Analysis Course scheduled on 20th Oct. Limited seats left! Huat arh! Come, come learn the art of interpreting the charts to forecast the future!
Enough of Red Army.... amidst the chaotic red army rally, construction and oil gas sector quietly joined in the fun as well! It will be wonderful if they continue to move up tomorrow!
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
Adv Hldg
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I went on a shopping spree today and bought Genting alongside YangZhiJiang. With 5 stocks in my portfolio, i won't be in a hurry to add more. Instead i'll be looking to harvest. Genting's resilience caught my eyes and YangZhiJiang had a chart formation breakout known as inverse H & S.
My Malaysia counterpart Mr Justin Tan will be kick starting a series of Technical Analysis workshops in collaboration with theStarOnline in Kuala Lumpur. If you are trading the Bursa, you can check out the details at www.chartnexus.com/events . For Singapore investors, our next date with you will be at SGX Auditorium, details can be found at http://www.chartnexus.com/events/details.php?eid=1133
Screening results from GrowMoney Trading System shows at least 25 stocks. The market looks likely to extend its gains. I be watching any follow through buying.
If you notice i haven't been talking in the shoutbox recently....something is bothering me... why is that a powerful and simple to use software which is affordable to the typical retail investor isn't selling like hot cakes? I am indeed a poor salesman. No matter how I showed that trading system can be easily downloaded from the Library for a quick start, or how easy it is to look for buying or selling opportunities once you have your rules defined in the XPertTrader. Long time ago when I was still using "X" charting software, I had to flip so many charts everynight to determine what to buy sell. Eversince I adopted ChartNexus XPertTrader, things got so much simpler! Everything I wanted to know about the market can be retrieved by click of a "Start Screening" button. Anyway, i will try harder to show how great a companion XPertTrader is.
Quiz of the day, there is one obvious sector that had gone quiet for quite sometime.... time to tikam?
Also if you are interested to learn about short term price pattern trading techniques, i am invited to speak at next month's Smart Investment and International Expo 2007 happening at Suntec City. You know what's the best part? Admission is free!
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
Adv Hldg
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, September 24, 2007
The wrong thing to do is to cut my positions just because they frustrate me. This is because from the charts, the critical supports have not give way. Nothing on the T.A side i had done wrong. I conclude that i was too early in the sectors i bought. Was it too early or am I proven wrong by the market? Also, to miss the banks and properties rally, i have only myself to blame. Yes, no one else, not the market, not the chng kay but myself. Because i was slow to react. I DID NOT pull trigger. I was retarded!
If anything, the way i saw all the bad FA companies rotate to rally, again seems like warning sign. MEdia Ring???? Got sala or not??? then again many breakouts no follow through. A friend reminded me end of Sept liao.... fund may be dressing up until nice nice.
Also, i cannot stand the magnitude of HSI going up north. It's ok to go up but not when it's without me!!!! Again here i was retarded! A strong word but yes. I took too much time in reading the market and didn't pull the trigger.
With a strong Monday, tomorrow and Wednesday i will be looking for weakness followed by firm actions.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Good Finishing
I saw many stocks start to turn in my trading system. Good sign. I'm using a trend system and hence if i continue to see those signals coming up and those stocks keep going higher, it only means the market is trending higher. If I see those stocks with signals stop short in a trading range, i will know market is probably not going anywhere soon. I shall then do swing trading and not ride a trendless market.
If you havealways wanted to know about Fibonacci and it's application in trading, do not hesistate to join me at SGX Auditorium as I share with you practical trading experience with Fibonacci. Register at http://www.chartnexus.com/events/details.php?eid=1133 now!
Quiz: What does ChinaTranscom, Sunvic, UnionMet has in common?
Ans: Cessation of substantial shareholder
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
Adv Hldg
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Friday, September 21, 2007
A glimpse on indices
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Market refuses to head lower
My plan was to lift either my stocks or puts according to where the market is likely to head, when europe market opened steady, and hsi close firm, i had to lift my puts in favour of a positive reaction by the market tomorrow.
Another reason for lifting my HSIPW is that, I don't want to risk the upside due to a possible interest rate cut. Although I do not think cutting the interest rate can solve the problem, but who am i to go against the market? Rather than holding on to the put warrants and stand against the tide, I believe after this rally, we may risk a possible downside. I don't know how far can this rally goes, but since it's going up, i shall long until the market showed otherwise.
Plenty of banks are giving results this week in US. This is key to understand the impact of subprime or credit crunch.
Next week's Technical Analysis class is sold out once again and October's class is filling up. The current demand for Technical Analysis knowledge is just amazing. This sets me thinking, with more and more retail investors knowing how to avoid risk, can this bull run be more sustainable than we thought?
I will also start to kick start a series of Technical Analysis training videos. As you can see, the first on Fibonacci has been posted. I hope to help in a small way. Every week, i will upload a new training video hence stay tuned! : )
GrowMoney Growth Fund
LC Dev
Adv Hldg
If Ah Ben really cut rate, reits, properties should benefit. Ausgrp was picked up by my Trading system.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Friday, September 14, 2007
No eyes see
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Under-estimating China Money
AdvHldg looks to be holding well with volume drying up. LC Dev, i don't like the way it failed at the breakout and once again there is no follow up buying in the sector. Infact this syndrome can be observed accross the market. Some glaring forgotten stocks like unionmet, sunvic, had an incredible run. Also, it seems like the market tone is firming up. I will be watching the next leg down since we are not able to maximise the gap up over the last 2 days. Gaps are very powerful as it marks th strong conviction of the market participants. If 2 successive gap ups unable to propel market higher, i must be prudent.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Construction flexes muscle
Screening the market with XPertTrader, I saw quite a number stocks traded higher with high volume. It seems to me market is rotating through the sectors. Why else would sunvic and unionmet rock the charts? After flipping through many charts, i saw a perfect reason to head down. Many charts are trading near or at the support now turns resistance. If they can break this level successfully, i believe more upside. If they goes lower, that will be used as a reason by technical traders.
Market should be awaiting 18th Sept. I still haven't formed an opinion of what Ben will do and how market may react. Oil price hits record high and subprime still a question mark. Both are good reasons to justify a slowing or to slow down the economy. Perfect reason for market to be sluggish.

Last evening at the Stock Selection with XPertTrader, i almost cried in front of the capacity class. My heart sank when I randomly screened the market with my trading system to show how to use XPertTrader and out came C2O Holding which was alerted on 23rd Aug 2007. Why didn't i see it ? Complacency! After getting no results from the system screening for a few nights, i assumed that many stocks are still in downtrend and that it will be fruitless to do homework and hence skipped for a few nights thinking until I saw strength in the market. Gosh....
Anyway, ChartNexus Technical Analysis Course is filling up fast with 3 weeks to go! Last count, is left only 5 seats. This course doesn't just teach you a system or 1 strategy, it covers a wide spectrum of working technical analysis knowledge that will empower you to trade any market with the knowledge..... be it futures, forex or stocks. The only drawback is, participants must come with laptop as it will be practise focussed and we are practising on lastest charts.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Bracing for the onslaught
All along, i favour another leg down to ascertain the selling pressure and hence I didn't actively load up stocks to avoid risk but only 1 which is Adv Hldg. Tomorrow I will scrutinise the tape closely. I did for a moment feel like a fool watching the market rebound strongly and yet I did not profit much. Greed. Technically, it is risky to load up and hence staying out is my best option. Had I sucummb to greed, tonight i would be a very worried man as i will be badly exposed to the possible downside facing us tomorrow.
Ai zai, recently, i notice STI recently divert from the DJ movement. Should HSI remains firm, we should survive like the 300 brave men from spartans. Higher low higher low! *chant*

While I anticipated the employment data to be poor, my take on the market direction was wrong. I had anticpated due to the poor data, market may like the idea that it can induce Fed to cut interest rate and that we should at least close flat or up. Instead, we went down big time. This will impact Monday's opening for Asia market. While it is expected to fall, my eyes were on the possible support levels to justify an uptrend intact. Also, why would the job data post any surprise to the market? From the subprime fall out, it is already in the known alot of people are losing jobs. Why did market plunge despite knowing such an obvious data? Market taking that as an excuse to sell? Wouldn't this latest data induce Fed to cut rate? What happens if they refuse to cut rate? What happens if they cut. Technically, i saw something unpleasant. 13,300s level turns from support to resistance. 13k must hold, otherwise it will trigger more technical selling.

HSI hits uptrend resistance line and looks ready to pull back with RSI hitting similar resistance. There were 2 gaps and I think the second one closer to 22,400s will likely be a support if any as the gap support confluence with fibo 38.2%.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
STI rumbles!

Analysing Adv Hldg in details as I have vested interest. RSI is near resistance, Possible resistance level is 0.520 and target price of flag pole should be conservatively 0.570
Adv Hlding went higher after breakout the previous day and it has been going up for 2 days straight. Hence I ought to be prudent and will be looking to sell upon weakness for a successful swing trade. What makes this win sweeter is that it is screened using XPertTrader. I am going to upload this rule into our XPertTrader library so that subscribers can enjoy using the rule. Maybe next week at the workshop, i will demonstrate.
For those interested to join ChartNexus Technical Analysis Course, you will be given 3 months free of XPertTrader subscriptions worth $105.
XPertTrader Screening for Short term Price pattern:
SMB United
LC Dev
Lum chang
I'm still observing for breakouts in the stocks above. Tomorrow is Friday and it will be a fantastic time to fish if the weather is fine. On the weekly chart, am seeing almost 59 stocks turning around on their weekly chart.... no buy very sayang.... so i may pick up one more.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Technical Glitch on STI
It was certainly a pleasant surprise for my folks. Thanks for making their day a happy one. : )
Early in the trading day, there was a technical glitch on STI. Simsci open gap up and my put warrants from the day before looks set to be BBQ'ed. However due to the glitch, STI did not track simsci and it gave me time to get out of my put warrants with a 2 bids loss. Lucky escape! However, as i always avoid risk, the warrants i bought has got a slower delta and hence it won't move very fast against me. My choice of warrants has always been if i'm wrong, it should move slowly against me, when i'm right, it should move faster in my favour.

STI: Upward Fibo resistance 61.8% compromised. However the volume on the way up is classic warning sign. However, i will only be wary and not take any actions as too many times, volume can just pick up suddenly on the upside. 3407 thereabts should be good support if uptrend would to be engineered. Ultimately, i see a possible ex-support now will become a potent resistance. For the good of everyone, let us hope we "soon soon" break through it and welcome back the bulls.
Today I picked up Adv Hldg after a chart base breakout. Although my view was that the subprime thingy is something serious and that it can cripple the finance system. However, as Jesse Livermore puts it, "Opinions are often wrong and Market is always right" I am not going to argue with what is happening. Since market doesn't want to go down, what good does it do for me to be sidelined, stubbornly sticking to my views and refuse to trade? I tried to short the index over the last few weeks and although i made on all 3 occassions, it was a hint to me market wants to trend higher. This is because, the levels i shorted are near pivoting points where index should plunge. Instead, index showed resilience and I have to go for quick profits instead of pocketing a big profits. Furthermore, together with participants from my course, we deciphered what could happen this week on Sunday. Anyway, I'm comfortable doing swing trades until i see a couple of nice uptrending stocks for me to ride on.
XPertTrader Screening for Short term Price pattern:
LC Dev
Lum chang
From my nightly volume screening... alot of shipping companies hog the list... think think think.. after shipping what should move??? So far red army not moving??? where are the old china favourites? Will they cheong?
Something interesting!!! Capitaland appeared in my growmoney trading system screening. The natural thing I want to observe over the next few days is more property stocks coming onto my XPertTrader results. If that happens, my anticipation is not only will property counters move, STI will not go down too.
DJ is trading at -150 at the point of my entry, i have no fear as yet as it is only normal for it to pull back and corrects. Mid week corrections can make way for a good Friday closing.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
30k to 40k per month?
I never like to tempt people into trading promising big profits. It is certainly not easy. Rather for anyone who wishes to join this game, understand the RISK and learn how to manage risk before we even think about big profits. Thinking about profits all the time will weaken your psychology against market swings which are normal and happen plenty of times. This is one reason why many people took a loss and then only to watch the market rebound on them.
Trust me, when you are able to decipher the market, money will flow naturally. Focus on deciphering the market.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Early Stage of Recovery?
If we are at the early stage of recovery, sector by sector, interest will rotate in. It will not be good to see one sector after another showing "stalling" actions. Which means massive volume yet prices refuse to close higher. However i don't rule out one more leg down. This is because the current psychological state of market participants should be nervy and quick to profit. So long price doesn't move up further, common thinking is to sell first. Hence it is important for me to track the 4 sectors as mentioned yesterday for any clues of market direction. Since tomorrow is already Wednesday then Friday's closing should be easier to anticipate.
Calling all ex-Cracking the Stock Market Code participants...there is a workshop organised just for you. Please check your mailbox for the invitation or visit http://www.chartnexus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=262 or email to decipherlabs@yahoo.com.sg, only opened for ChartNexus Alumni.
XPertTrader Screening:
Results for potential short term price pattern: (Pending breakout for swing trade)
AdvHldg, Tiongwoon, LC Dev
Results for unsually big volume: (Pending short pause after sharp rally)
Sinopipe, STX, Sino-Env
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Monday, September 03, 2007
2 Obvious Sectors
Banks and Properties are the 2 sectors i will also scrutinise closely. I am taking a contrarian view here because it is too obvious that these 2 sectors will be under pressure. Using technical analysis, i will follow the smart money and avoid conventional thinking. Should smart money began to buy, i will follow too. But right now, i'm happier to stay sidelined.
Recently, i managed to devised a XP screening rule to pick up possible short term price patterns for swing trading. I think in this month's issue of SmartInvestor, I had written about that as well as taught this topic at ChartNexus's monthly event as SGX Auditorium.
I will be tracking 3 stocks for possible swing trades, TiongWoon, Adv Hldings, StraitsAsia, OrientCent.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Unusual movement ahead of Ben's speech
Screening on my XPertTrader rule, I found 2 sectors looks to have turned around base on weekly chart. If they finish strongly, i may pick up 1 stock. You may want to check out a list of stocks i presented to fellow XPertTraders at workshop here >>> http://www.chartnexus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=219
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Dow Jones for now

The current price action brought DJI to a confluence level of upward fibonacci retracement and the top formation resistance. It was also observed that the downtrend line is nearby. RSI looks to be trading at the downtrend line. MacD indicator has a very interesting development. The signal line and MacD line crossed over during the last crash in March'07 and market recovered swiftly. This time round, we are at the same crossover point, the outcome will be interesting.
Join us at SGX Auditorium on the 6th of September 2007,
Profiting from the Bull and Bear Market. Click here for more details
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Taking Actions
It isn't difficult to see that rebounds lately had always been a short and quick affair. There was no sustained rebound and this is ringing alarm in my head. Through the weeks, I have dumped my stocks on rebound. Right now i'm left with 3 stocks. Later I will explain the rationale of keeping these 3 stocks. Index wise, i profited from 2 directions in quick trades. 2 weeks ago, STI was supported at 3300, I long the CW and took a quick profit. Today STI tested 3300 as resistance and it failed during intraday, i went for the put warrants and before the end of the day took a quick profit again. HSI's incredible plunge from positive 1000 to negative is a warning. However, a quick check on Dow Jones, it can rebound to 13,300 thereabts and hence i decided to keep my profits first and re look later. I will be tracking global indices for now and will be looking forward to more trades on the indices instead of individual stocks.
I am pleased to inform that there are only 7 seats left in my 2 day Technical Analysis Course, happening from 1st Sept to 2nd Sept. Should the market bottom by then, the concept and strategies shared will come at a good time!
It's very interesting to know that these participants are serious about learning. Despite the current turmoil, instead of feeling frustrated and paralysed, they turned frustrations into actions! They seize this opportunitiy to learn more about Technical Analysis and be prepared for the next opportunity.
GrowMoney Growth Fund
I intend to ride through the storm with the above stocks and dumped the rest at a loss. This loss eroded part of my profits built from Mar'07 to Jul'07. However the profits from Jul'06 to Mar'07 is safe in the bank. This should limit my exposure should the stock market really crash. When market crash, bid and offer spread will be spectacular. In a worse case scenario, there could be no bid queue to sell to. Hence do not take a crash too lightly. I simply do not like the cloud above credit woes and it's impact on the global economy. The most sensible thing to do is to step aside and reassess the situation and get out while i can.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Federal Chief Cuts Discount Rate
In June 2006, Ben holds interest rate hike and that set us off on a wonderful rally for the rest of the year. Now 2007, Ben cuts discount rate and many in the industry are looking at it as a prelude to interest rate cut in September.
12 Aug 2007, wrote about my opinion. Right now market has moved in the direction of my anticipations that is, we are on course to a sustained rebound. If it happens, i will be turning long on index and get out of my stocks on the way up before the rebound ends and turn short. I believe a lower high would be seen. If market still cannot rebound, this is bad because if good news doesn't help the market, there will be no incentive for the market to move up in the near term. Right now, I shall stick by my view until the market proves otherwise.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Private Email Exposed
These stocks are deemed to be still expensive interms of FA. Here's the email.
Thanks Stupid!
Hi Decipher,
I am STupId from your blog. Hope u can put up this list of stocks that L&S keep promoting and I simply can't see y we have to buy based on conservative FA. Everything has a price, I am not say DON"T buy FOREVER... but they should only be purchased when the price is MORE, much MORE attractive than now. Here it goes (in no particular order, just recalling from my head):
Cheena Steel Trains (Midas)
SIN-OH (Sino Environ)
Strippers (Swiber)
Red heart/Red star (HongXing)
Red country (HongGuo)
China Fertilizer (China XLX)
Lord of the YAN(Yanlord, even T**as*k was buying?? gosh, they under the L&S spell?)
Love potion #9(JiuTian)
Cheena Steel Balls (FerroChina, low margin n yet high valuation)
ALL the LANs(capitaLAN, KEPPEL LAN, Shitty DEV, SG LAN... blah blah blah)
Will alert u when I find others...
Good day,
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Support Levels for DJI

Utilising Fibonacci, we can connect the low on early March '07 to the top on mid July '07 and we will get all the retracement levels. DJ has broken the perceived support at 13,228 points which was once the 38.2% support. We saw DJ trading above this support level during late July but this level has now given way. The possible technical support levels in technical analysis are as follows:
200 Day Moving Average is at 12,813 level
Fibonacci 50% Retracement Level
Major Trendline support which is close to 200 Day Moving Average
Download your FREE professional charting software or find out how to automate your stock selection.
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A concerted effort
Isn't financial market interesting? When markets are soaring high, everyone is worried about the bubble in China. But guess what? Uncle Dow was the culprit that punctured the bull run. While I managed to side step the bears by liquidating my whole portfolio when I first detect signs of troubles using Technical Analysis, I am still caught by my initial positions to rebuild my portfolio. I went back into the market too early. If not for the pocketing of profits by liquidating my portfolio , surely i would have commited the sin i was so good at..... turning profits into losses. I would need to reassess my views on where the market is likely to head and then act accordingly. The immediate option is to short the index futures to hedge. However this may not be a wise thing to do .....yet
All along my view is to turn short at rebounds, so far, I didn't see any sustained rebound and hence have not acted. What's more, with Central Banks and Feds reacting very swiftly to support the financial markets, my short positions have to be timed to near perfection or I risk being caught flat footed. Anticipations of Fed cutting rate in an emergency meeting before September's policy meeting are reported in the market place. If this is true, it will set off a rally in stocks and to me, that will be the best chance to turn long and then get out of the stocks i am holding. Because my anticipations is, interest rate cut may not arrest the problem, it merely slowed down the problem and worse of all, lower interest rate might lead to another new problem. Indeed, financial market has a self correcting mechanism running....
DISCLAIMER: This is not an inducement to buy or sell. You should do your own analysis on top of my postings.